Authored by mupinnn on September 22, 2020
Build your own RESTful API with Express.js!

This is a quick and simple blog content because I don't want to use lorem ipsum placeholder for this. So, I will make it very quick.
What is Express.js? Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. With a myriad of HTTP utility methods and middleware at your disposal, creating a robust API is quick and easy.
Create a new folder, named it whatever you want, and
npm init -y
. After initializing process done, open the
directory with your favorite code editor/IDE.
Next, install express dependencies with
npm i express
. After it done, create
on root of directory.

Getting it done
Then, write this in

node app.js
in your terminal. Don't forget to point the project
directory first before run that command. Open your
browser and visit
, and voila! you will see
Hello world! showing.
Sorry for this bad content placeholder, I'm a bit lazy to write a proper content :|